Innovationssamarbejde (Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions)

Development of non-alcoholic Rosé fermentation process

The global market for non-alcoholic beverages is growing, driven by consumer demand for innovative products that deliver exceptional sensory experiences. This project aims to develop a fermentation process for non-alcoholic rosé, enabling faster product development, minimizing waste, and achieving scalability for mass production.

Foto: Rosé wine is a popular beverage, and the market for non-alcoholic versions is growing (Photo: iStock).

Non-alcoholic wine

Wine has been cherished for centuries, celebrated for its rich flavors and cultural significance. Recently, non-alcoholic wine has gained popularity, offering the same taste and sophistication without alcohol.

In this project, Etiquette Drinks Co. ApS and Teknologisk Institut are collaborating to develop a process for the rapid creation of innovative non-alcoholic wines.

A method for rapid development of new non-alcoholic wines

The exceptional taste of wine is the result of a unique composition of flavor compounds. In this project, the partners plan to analyze around 50 flavor compounds and 150 parameters, using the data to build a model that streamlines the creation of any non-alcoholic wine style without extensive R&D.

This initiative will support the development of flavorful new wines, improve production efficiency, and reduce waste.

Additionally, the optimized process is expected to produce wines with 40% less CO₂ emissions compared to competitors.


Development of non-alcoholic Rosé fermentation process

Finansieret af

Innovationssamarbejdet er igangsat af Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions og gennemføres med støtte fra Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse og er medfinansieret af EU.


Deltagere i projektet

  • Etiquette Drinks Co. ApS (projektejer)
  • Teknologisk Institut
Knud Hjortlund Hansen

Knud Hjortlund Hansen

Innovation Manager
Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosoluitons

Gør Danmark verdensledende inden for udviklingen af biosolutions

Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions hjælper virksomheder i hele landet med innovation og opskalering af biobaserede løsninger på fysiske faciliteter.

Erhvervsfyrtårnet for Biosolutions gennemføres med støtte fra Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse og medfinansieres af den Europæiske Union.