Join us for Xplore Innovation Mission to Belgium
- Sprog:
- Engelsk
- Pris:
- Betaling / Participation fee
- Fra:
- 02. december 2024 kl. 09:00
- Til:
- 05. december 2024 kl. 15:00
Please join us for the Xplore Innovation Mission to Belgium, an exclusive innovation mission with focus on biotechnology and alternative proteins from 2nd- 5th December 2024.
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark is organising the mission together with our cluster partners in the Global Alliance for Food. By participating, your company will visit and participate in the PitchPerfect Bioeconomy event at the Sheraton Hotel in Brussels, In addition, we will pay a number of prominent organisations a visit; among other Flanders’ Food and the Bio Based Europe Pilot Plant in Ghent . 20+ international companies and organisations from our cluster partners in Spain, France, the Netherlands, South Korea and Singapore have already registered! Learn more about the draft programme here on the link. OR read on.
Draft programme
2nd December
17:00 Visit and presentation at Flanders Food
19:00 Networking Dinner
3rd December
09:00-18:30 Partipation at the PitchPerfect Bioeconomy event at the Sheraton Hotel in Brussels, where you will have the opportunities:
- to pitch in front of prominent investors, such as ASTANOR, Noon Ventures and the ECBF. (You have to apply and be selected, please read more and register here - only 15 seats are left). 35+ investors confirmed, click here to find out who they are; 10+ in the pipeline
- to participate in international matchmaking session and discover cross-border collaboration supported by Enterprise Europe Network. Link for registration will open on 4th November
- to xplore the innovative solutions and the international eco-system
- to participate in the networking reception at 18.30
4th December
08:00-18:00 Visits to Ghent
- Visit to Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant
- Participating in Scale-up Training Program (optional)
- Company visits (TBD)
5th December
08:00-12:00 Visit to Leuven
- Visiting the R&D Paleo Center in Leuven (TBC)
15:00 End of programme and departure
Participation Fee
The fee is 450, - € approx 3,420 DKK, to cover entrance fees and bus transport, practical matters. After having registered you will receive detail information concerning the payment.
Travelling and hotel costs are on your own expenses. BUT we have ensured a group reservation at an amazing price at the Sheraton Airport Hotel of 169,- Euro for a single room per night. After having registered you will receive detail information.
Don't miss the opportunities of intense cross-border networking, innovation scouting and matchmaking.
For further information, you are welcome to contact Susanne Baden Jørgensen,