Green Protein Network


Symbion, Fruebjergvej 3, m4c, 2100 Bispebjerg, Danmark
Gratis / Free
01. april 2025 kl. 10:00
01. april 2025 kl. 14:00


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28. marts 2025

Get insights in challenges and opportunities for Green Protein sources. This meeting will focus on startups and product innovation with green proteins.

What’s Happening?

10:00 AM - Welcome and breakfast

  • Who is Tempty Foods, how we started and how do we work with green proteins by Cecilie Engvang Lund, COO, Tempty Foods
  • Guided Tour at Symbion and Tempty Foods Startup lab

12:00 PM - Lunch and Networking

  • What are we looking for in New Plant-Based Products? By Thomas Christensen, Category Manager, Compass Group Danmark A/S
  • Open Discussion and network

2:00 PM - Thank You for Today

Green Protein Network is exclusively for members of Food & Bio Cluster Denmark and free for members. If you are not a member yet and wish to join, reach out to Elena on The network gathers startups, corporates and universities to explore the challenges and possibilities within new innovative green protein sources. The members meet 4 times a year in different locations in Denmark. As part of the network it is expected that you contribute actively to the discussions, content and development of the network. This also means that attending the four network meetings is a priority for you to continue the exclusivity and development of the network.


Elena Sørensen Skytte


Green Protein Network