Pyrolyse- og Biokulsnetværk
- Sted:
- Agro Business Park and AU Viborg, Niels Pedersens Alle 2, 8830 Tjele, Danmark
- Sprog:
- Engelsk
- Pris:
- Gratis / Free
- Fra:
- 26. marts 2025 kl. 09:30
- Til:
- 26. marts 2025 kl. 14:00
Biochar as adsorbent – positive and negative effects.
Biochard adsorbs many substances, among which are pesticides. What are the consequences for the environment and the farmers of this ability? We need to find out more and we start by combining what knowledge we have.
And, apart from that, we shall see the Hydrothermal Carbonisation Lab Unit of AU Viborg and discuss the properties of the carbon from that process concerning adsorption.
10.00 Coffee and welcome
10.15-11.00 From Soil to Water: Biochar's Impact on Pesticide Fate and Its Potential in Environmental Remediation. Jingyu Wang, Aarhus University, Agroecology
11.00- 11.30 Biochar and inhibition of pesticide application – Biochar producer and farmers view. Henrik Nørskov Pedersen, Stiesdal
11.30-11.50 Discussion of research/innovation needed
11.40-11.50 Online short presentation of funding opportunity - by Anastasija Bonde, Rockstart
11.50-12.00 Funding Opportunities within Food & BioCluster, Elena Skytte Sørensen, FBCD
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Visit to HTC Lab facility at AU Viborg. Aidan Mark Smith, AU Engineering
On-site discussion: HTC carbon versus Biochar concerning adsorption
14.00 Coffee and network
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