Plant2Food COMPANY pitches


Gratis / Free
02. maj 2023 kl. 00:00
04. maj 2023 kl. 00:00
COMPANY pitches: Perspective on needs and challenges in the food sector

We are now inviting researchers and companies to pitch their challenges within the plant-based development, which can fit into Plant2Food's scope. Plant2Food is an open development platform and these sessions help to find the right partners for your project.

Do you want to pitch your idear or challenges:

  • 2.-4. May companies will pitch challenges. Sign up here if you want to pitch 
  • 8.-12. May, researchers will pitch challenges.  Sign up here if you want to pitch

Do you want to listen to the pitches:

During those days, you can watch the pitch sessions (30 minutes each) which are interesting for you. You can watch as a company, researcher or other interested.

  • Sign up as a listener to the company pitches, 2.-4. May here.
  • Sign up as a listener to the reseacher pitches, 8.-12. May here.


Plant2Food is financed by Novo Nordisk Foundation with 200 mio. DKK over the next 5 years.

Plant2Food is run at Aarhus University with the partners University of CopenhagenTechnical University of DenmarkWageningen University (Netherlands) and Food & Bio Cluster of Denmark.


Sign up for the Plant2Food platform here.

You can also participate in the physical Plant2Food ideation event March 23 in Aarhus. See more here.


Astrid Pryds Hansen*


Plant2Food COMPANY pitches