Global Foodture: Thematic Workshop 3: Biomass valorisation technologies and commercialisation pathways to create value from agri-food side streams within the circular economy
- Sted:
- Please register at the above link on Global Foodture
- Sprog:
- Engelsk
- Pris:
- Gratis / Free
- Fra:
- 08. december 2022 kl. 09:00
- Til:
- 08. december 2022 kl. 11:00
As a partner in Global Foodture, we would like to invite you to this online Thematic Workshop. In the frame of the circular economy and bio-based thinking, an increased attention is going to the valorisation of food waste, preferably producing new products/derivates of the food waste with an added value as high as possible in the valorisation chain. During this workshop European and Asian SMEs will showcase how they as agri-food companies explore new economic opportunities regarding the valorisation of food waste and side streams
Theme: Solutions to reduce food waste. Topics to be covered waste valorization natural methods and sidestreams valorization technologies.
Please click here to read the detailed programme and if you are not already part of the Global Foodturre Community Platform, please register here.