Sustainable Packaging (members only)
- Sted:
- Food Innovation House, Lysholt Allé 3, 7100 Vejle, Danmark
- Sprog:
- Engelsk
- Pris:
- Gratis / Free
- Fra:
- 30. juni 2022 kl. 13:00
- Til:
- 30. juni 2022 kl. 16:00
13.00: Welcome by Sine Riisager, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
13.05: Welcome and introduction to/by Conny Hanghøj, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark
13.10: Welcome to the host; Food Innovation House / Gyda Bay
13.20: Round of introductions – company intro, focus, challenges, thoughts?
13.50: Breaking news from the packaging world / Charlotte Legind, Fødevarestyrelsen
- the new regulation on recycled plastic for food contact materials has just been adopted, and Charlotte will guide you through and give you an overview of what the regulation contains and what it means
14.45: Questions/discussion - break
15.00: Company case: Digimarc / Thomas Hartvigsen, hl-repro A/S
15.30: Questions / discussion
15.45: Resumé of the day / next meeting
16.00: Thank you for today
When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the project Innovationskraft, which is funded by Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse and Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen at a standard rate.