Horizon Europe Marine & Maritime Brokerage event
- Sted:
- https://horizon-europe-marine-brokerage-event.b2match.io/
- Sprog:
- Engelsk
- Pris:
- Gratis / Free
- Fra:
- 28. april 2021 kl. 08:15
- Til:
- 28. april 2021 kl. 21:00
Welcome to Horizon Europe Marine & Maritime Brokerage Event
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark in partnership with other Enterprise Europe Network Partners in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland and their respective National Contract Points (NCPs) invite you to participate in an international partnering event on Horizon Europe's Marine and Maritime calls
This is a FREE one-day virtual event that will introduce the Marine and Maritime calls for proposals for the next two years, present insights and expectations from the European Commission whilst offering a unique international networking experience to forge the winning partnerships of the future.
The programme will include presentations from the European Commission and National Contact Points in all areas of the Marine and Maritime, and will provide a unique opportunity to pitch ideas and expertise in front of leading research organisations and cutting-edge innovators from across industry.
The virtual brokerage event will allow you to extend your international network and create strategic partnerships through scheduled one-to-one meetings. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet with National Contact Point experts, and the Enterprise Europe Network.
The event is open to SMEs, larger companies and research organisations based on the Island of Ireland and across Europe.
Please note: Delegates must attend the morning sessions to be eligible to participate in the B2B meeting sessions.
Why Participate?
- Receive the latest information from the European Commission about Horizon Europe Marine and Maritime calls
- Meet with future project partners from across industry and research at our dedicated forum for one-to-one meetings
- Meet an Enterprise Europe Network representative on international partnering opportunities, advisory and innovation support services available to you
Main Conference Topics:
- Horizon Europe Marine and Maritime Programme Topics
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Enabling sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
- Zero polluted seas and oceans
- Land, oceans and water for climate change
- Resilient, inclusive, healthy and green rural, coastal and urban communities
- Enabling climate neutral, clean, smart, and competitive waterborne transport
- Sustainable waterborne transport (e.g. new fuel types like hydrogen or ammonia.
- Maritime food industry (processing)
- Algae business
- Fishery
- Equipment supplies for fishery
- Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption - Link to Topics
How can you benefit from this event?
- Publish and showcase your research, products, services or business needs to event participants
- Initiate and arrange promising pre-scheduled 1:1 meetings at the event
- Generate fresh leads and meet new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
- Provide a unique opportunity to pitch ideas and expertise in front of
leading research organisations and SME
Read more and register here https://horizon-europe-marine-brokerage-event.b2match.io/
Important: Please fill out the MARKET PLACE. Only participants with a duly filled-out form will be approved. Please read more about the terms of participation here.