Planning for investments: Fundraising strategy, legal matters and investor outreach (Copenhagen)


Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund (EIFO), Haifagade 3, 2150 København, Danmark
Gratis / Free
10. april 2024 kl. 13:45
10. april 2024 kl. 17:00
What you need to know and have in place before you reach out to investors

Together with our partners at Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund (EIFO), Nielsen Nørager Law and Hejm Vilsgaard Law, we are excited to invite our network of startup founders to a seminars focusing on how to plan for an succesfull early stage funding round. 

The seminars will take place in both Aarhus and Copenhagen, and will focus on how you make sure that you come prepared to the first investor meetings.

We will not focus much on pitch deck and the pitch, but more on how to make sure that you have a clear action plan for your fundraising, that you know what you look for and not look for, understand the different types of investor and their focus and that you have the needed legal documents in place.

Each seminar will have limited seats to ensure a good dialogue. 


02.00 – 02.30: Welcome

Moderated by Claus Mortensen, Head of Business Acceleration – Food & Bio Cluster Denmark

Round of introdutions, expectations for the afternoon, future need of funding.

02.30-03.15: Fundraising strategy

María Jiménez Cáseda, Associate, Direct Investment Team Green Transition at Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund - EIFO

Overview of types of financing, types of investors and their goals/motives, planning of the process. Are you a rocketship or a industry case?

EIFO provides a single point of access for Danish companies requiring risk-tolerant government financing. This includes loans and direct equity investments in to agrifood companies, but also fund of funds investments and business angel activities. Link.

03.15-04.00: Legal matters before, during and after fundraising

Carl Christian Illum, Partner and lawyer at Nielsen Nørager Law

Which legal documents and agreements needs to be in place? What are the pitfalls during negotiations?

Nielsen Nørager has extensive experience in assisting founders of start-ups, entrepreneurs and growth companies from the establishment of the company up to and including exit. Their advice covers all legal matters, including. Link.

04.00-04.10: Biobreak 

04.10-04.30: Mapping relevant investor and investor network - first investor outreach

Claus Mortensen, Head of Business Acceleration – Food & Bio Cluster Denmark

Mapping investors, first contact, what to do and what not to do.

04.30-05.00: Q&A session with EIFO, Nielsen Nørager and Food & Bio Cluster Denmark – what are the knowledge gaps? Did the afternoon live up to the expectations?


Free for pre-seed and seed stage startup members of Food & Bio Cluster Denmark. 

Price for non-members are 1000DKK excluding VAT.


Claus Mortensen


Planning for investments: Fundraising strategy, legal matters and investor outreach (Copenhagen)